Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) is an unprecedented global initiative originally created in 2009 to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence, and boost the industry’s economy during the recession.
Fashion’s Night Out will return this year to highlight fashion and support retail with exciting events including designer appearances, celebrity guests, fashion shows and musical performances. We have grown to 18 countries, more than 1200 retailers in the NYC area alone and more than 3500 retailers in over 250 cities outside of NYC. We have expanded to include over 300 online retailers. In the United States, the program is a collaboration between American Vogue, the Council of Fashion Designers of America, NYC & Company, and the City of New York.
Vancouver will celebrate Fashion’s Night Out on September 6th with a kickoff fashion show featuring international and local retailers as well as designer talents. Participating retailers will have exclusive one-night only events & participating restaurants will showcase fashion-inspired menus for the evening. This is the fashion event of the year that you have to take part in!